exhibition image
福原信三・路草写真展 / 光とその諧調・美しい光の流るる處
会期 1992年3月19日(wed)−5月10日(sun)
協賛 資生堂、日本たばこ産業
年間協賛 オムロン
後援 (社)日本写真文化協会、(社)日本写真協会、日本写真家協会
 Supported by The Photo Culture Association,
 The Photographic Society of Japan, Japan Professional Photographers Society.
 Sponsored by SHISEIDO, JAPAN TOBACCO Annual Sponsor: OMRON CO.,LTD
展示内容 exhibition▲PAGE TOP
1992年9月23日〜10月1日 金沢北陸放送(石川県)
1993年1月21日〜1月31日 京都文化博物館(京都府)
1993年4月15日〜5月23日 豊科町立近代美術館(長野県)

Shinzo Fukuhara, who was also the second president of cosmetic company Shiseido, created unique expressions by concentrating on capturing light and its harmony. He attempted to enter the world of haiku with his photographs. Works by Roso Fukuhara are characterized by their dynamic composition. Both of their dynamic composition. Both of these men created photographs with skill and expression comparable to their Western compemporaries. Some 150 works were exhibited including some which were shown to the public for the first time.
50 years after their death, this show was the first large retrospective of two photographers who created their works with strict self-demands and with rich spirituality; it was a rediscovery of something missing in current Japanese society.
会場風景 scene of gallery▲PAGE TOP

作品 work of art▲PAGE TOP
e-mail: official@watarium.co.jp